Top 8 reasons to visit Hoi An

ByAdmin01/06/2023in Travel Tips 0

Ask anyone who has spent time in Hoi An, a former UNESCO World Heritage-listed famous trading village set amid Vietnam’s sprawling coastline, and they’ll likely give you plenty of reasons why. Why this should be your next travel destination: souvenir shops, restaurants, old places, trendy cafes, nearby rice fields, and more.

Considering both the size and population of Hoi An, this picturesque town has quite a bit to offer visitors. Whether you’re a tourist passing by for a few days or someone looking to explore everything inside and outside of this historic destination, you’ll have a full range of entertainment.

8 Reasons to visit Hoi An

So, why should you include Hoi An on your tour around Vietnam? Here is a list of 8 compelling reasons that will make you wish you had never been to this town in the first place because you won’t want to leave afterward!

  1. Tailor shop
  2. silk lantern
  3. Art Street
  4. Local food
  5. Rice fields and Tea
  6. Which village?
  7. Beach
  8. Hoi An Impressions


  1. Tailor shop

When visiting Hoi An, you don’t want to miss the chance to buy a custom suit, a pair of tailored shoes or a tailored dress. While the master stitchers at Savile Row (London) are well known around the world, Vietnamese tailors also create top-notch designs that meet Western standards using the finest fabrics. best fabric. Yaly, Bebe, Kimmy and A Dong Silk are some of the famous Hoi An Tailors for their fast turnaround and good service.

tailor shop
  1. Silk lantern

Silk lanterns are everywhere in Hoi An. The reason why is related to the legacy left by the Chinese and Japanese in the 15th and 16th centuries when this town was once the busiest trading port of Vietnam. Some locals will tell you that they hang them in front of their house to bring health, happiness and good luck. The truth is that the lanterns give Hoi An a charm and are special at night when visitors wander around the Old Town to admire the splendid street lights. Every month on the night of the full moon, the Lantern Festival takes place while all vehicles (including bicycles) are banned from the streets. Our recommendation is to reserve a table at a riverside restaurant to watch all the fun unfold.

Colorful Hoi An silk lanterns

Silk Lanterns in Hoi An

  1. Art Street

Originally named Courbert Street during the French period, Phan Boi Chau is considered the street of art and culture in Hoi An. Once the main street of the French Quarter, the buildings along this avenue reflect the French architectural style with shops and houses lining a wide street. In fact, as you wander through the numerous galleries and cultural spaces on Phan Boi Chau Street, notice the details of French architecture such as domes, pillars, balconies and wooden shutters. French wood. Here’s a little secret: Mr. Duong, the owner of 25 Phan Boi Chau, has many stories to tell about the history of this region. You can ask at the March Gallery if he’s available for a short tour.

Art Street in Hoi An

  1. Local food

Hoi An also ranks quite high in the culinary field as it showcases some regional dishes that you won’t find anywhere else in Vietnam. Cao Lau is perhaps the most famous local delicacy and won’t be found anywhere other than Hoi An. Why? Obviously, the water used to cook the broth is taken from an ancient well (called Cham well) that gives this dish its unique and delicious taste. Regardless of the source of the water, this is a must-try meal that you won’t find anywhere other than Hoi An. Besides this delicious bowl, other must-try local dishes are Banh Bao Vac (White Rose), Chicken Rice (Chicken Rice) or Mango Cake sold on the street. However, our all-time favorite dish is Hoi An Banh Mi. Unlike other popular Vietnamese versions of banh mi, this one seemed to have a familiar taste that we didn’t find anywhere else. Apparently, the key to a good baguette lies in the owner’s secret sauce. If so, go to Banh Mi Phuong at 2B Phan Chu Trinh and try it for yourself.

Hoi An Quang Noodles with lettuce, shrimp and chicken

Traditional food in Hoi An

  1. Rice fields and Tra Que Village

One of the most popular things to do in Hoi An is cycling around town. Although cycling in the Old Town can be a daunting task depending on the time of day, we recommend going to the surrounding countryside and enjoying the colorful rice fields just a short walk from the center city ​​a short drive away. If you want to witness a true local experience, do it early in the morning (6-7am) when the sunlight beautifully illuminates the fields creating amazing textures and colors . If you cycle along Hai Ba Tung Street for about 3 km, you will not only find rice fields but also discover Tra Que Village, a unique ancient area of ​​Hoi An with vegetable gardens and ponds. You’ll get a glimpse of rural life as you watch the farmers plant, care for and harvest their produce. Plus, you’ll suddenly realize why the local food is so delicious: it’s all thanks to the greens!

Green rice fields with sunset in Hoi An

Green rice fields with sunset in Hoi An

  1. Beach

As if all of the above wasn’t enough, it turns out this town is also a beach destination. In fact, if you keep cycling through Tra Que Village on Hai Ba Trung, you’ll end up at the most beautiful spot on Hoi An’s coast: An Bang beach. Only 4 km from the city center, come here in the afternoon to end a busy day of sightseeing and souvenir shopping. Whether you want to sit back and relax under an umbrella or take a dip in knee-deep water, this is the ideal beach in Hoi An as the once famous Cua Dai beach is now undergoing severe erosion. On a clear day, you’ll be able to see Danang’s coastline and its tall buildings, or even the mountains of Son Tra peninsula if you’re really lucky.

Hoi An beach with fishing boats and blue sky

Hoi An beach with fishing boats and blue sky

  1. Photography

This picturesque town is a photographer’s paradise. It doesn’t matter if you are a passionate photographer or a beginner in photography, your camera will fall in front of the hills in love with Hoi An. Colonial buildings with wooden architecture, harbor and canal form the townscape, and the locals that gather on every street corner simply make for the best backdrop for your photos. friend. And if you don’t believe us, visit French photographer Rehahn’s gallery/museum entitled ‘Precious Heritage’ (located on the aforementioned Phan Boi Chau Art Street), where visitors You can enjoy his beautiful photos of Hoi An (where he settled) as well as shots of 54 ethnic groups living scattered across Vietnam.

Hoi An alley

Hoi An is the ideal place to take pictures

  1. Hoi An Impression Theme Park

As the newest addition to the entertainment space, Hoi An Impressionist Theme Park is far from complete but the lovely open-air theater has shown the play ‘Scenery of Hoi An Memories’. The show covers the history of this trading port while also offering a glimpse of what life would have been like from the 15th to the 19th centuries. In addition to a cast of more than 500 actors and 25,000 square feet, The lights and sounds put together an incredible performance that makes this an unforgettable experience you don’t want to miss.

Looking for things to do near Hoi An? Check out Ba Na Hills and the Golden Bridge.

outdoor stage

We hope you enjoyed reading about 8 reasons to visit Hoi An! After completing everything on this list, you may consider exploring the beautiful surrounding countryside!

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